Thursday 14 April 2011

four ways people react to new technology

1.      three negative ways people cope with technological changes in the workplace.

a)    Cynicsm

§          The cynic feels that the idea of using a microcomputer is overrated.
§          They feel as though their time could be spent doing something more important.
§          Cynics may express there doubts openly, or may only pretend to be interested in computing technology.

b)    Naiveté

§          Many naïve people are unfamiliar with computers.
§          They may think computers are magic boxes capable of doing everything, even things they can’t handle.
§          On the other hand, some underestimate the capability of computers.

c)     Frustration

§          The frustrated person may already be quite busy and may hate having to take time to learn about microcomputers.
§          Sometimes it can be the person, sometimes it can be the system e.g. poorly written manuals, etc

2.     one positive way people cope with technological change in the workplace.

a)    Proactivity

§          Proactive means “acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes”.
§          A proactive person looks at technology in a positive, realistic way

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