Tuesday, 12 April 2011

CRTs, flat-panel, and specialty monitors

§          Distributed processing separates the data processing onto different servers rather than on one dedicated host computer

a)    Cathode-Ray Tube

§          Most common type of desktop monitor.
§          Uses similar technology as standard TV screens
§          Advantage is they are relatively inexpensive and have a high quality image display.
§          Disadvantage is they take up a lot of room

b)    Flat-Panel Monitor

§          The advantage is they take up less room, and are frequently used on laptop computers.  Now becoming popular for desktops as well since they have dropped in price
§          Two basic types are:
§          Passive matrix (dual scan monitors): lower power, but poorer clarity
§          Active matrix (TFT: Thin Film Transistor): costs more, uses more power, but produces a much better image.

c)     Other (Specialty) Monitors

§          E-books (aka e-book readers) are PDA sized devices that display text and graphics.  These have not had a lot of commercial success, yet it is possible to download e-books onto computers.
§          Data projectors: capable of projecting the output onto a screen for a large audience
§          High Definition TeleVision (HDTV): a merger of microcomputers and television (PC/TV) offers much clearer and more detailed wide screen pictures than a standard TV (but currently at more cost).  Since images are digital, they can be stored and edited.

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